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Natalia Smoczyńska – Kitchen Budapest presentation for MUT students.

To design and give a short live presentation (preferably using Prezi) was an assignment for our 1st year Masters students.
Multimedia Studio’s staff provided a bunch of topics around New Media Art, choosing different contemporary trends and artists. The set was composed of what we thought is important to know for New Media Students.
Natalia’s choice was to introduce all members of her class to the playful and multi-skilled team of Kitchen Budapest media lab.

Our studio’s 2012 assignment Republic 2.0, as well as out earlier tryouts with kinect installations, were based on an open-source software developed by Kitchen Budapest: Animata.

During the research, while preparing her talk, Natalia e-mailed the team. They were super nice – not only by answering, but by sending Natalia a Kitchen Budapest Team photo with greetings to all our studetns! The photo is a final slide of the presentation embedded above.