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?D was a collaborative video mapping project designed for 2014/2015 1st grade MA students @ PJATK (PJIIT) Warsaw.
An object for projection is built of basic modules – cubes. Every student built 1 cube as a contribution for a final projection setup.
Shape of the pile of cubes was decided collectively at the beginning of the course. Every student was to find / compose a legal (for publishing) piece of music to work with.
Final work was to be a narrative set of video mapping experience, synced to music. Students were advised to make use of the setup’s modularity (sampling), with the possibility of breaking its order, meeting chosen keywords provided for this project:

#3D #space #perspective #impossible #object #op-art #geometry #pattern #module #pixel #anaglyph #visualmusic

The resulting animations were all documented by the authors. You are welcome to experience the diversity of all mapping sets – they are gathered in this vimeo album.

Photos @ ?D flickr album.

Project’s instructions & course guidance: Olga Wroniewicz