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Graphic design case study and photographs from the opening of the exhibition on behance portfolio of the project.

The INTO DE-SIGN exhibition ties in perfectly with our multimedia-driven, changing world, while also evoking elements of traditional Japanese culture. Students of Graphics at the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology created projects based on a pattern known as yagasuri (in kanji: 矢 絣). The single-element pattern resembles an arrow (矢), and as it is multiplied, a dynamic sequence of abstract shapes with a new meaning arises – one shot creates a flying cluster of shots. The theme had its beginnings in the Japanese Empire and has many meanings, one of which symbolises a determination and steadfastness best described by the sentence: “Once fired, an arrow will never return.”

The students each created three animations based on the yagasuri pattern as part of their compulsory animation classes (PAM). A requirement was that in each piece they should demonstrate one of Disney’s twelve basic principles of animation.
The animations in the exhibition are launched with Augmented Reality. The markers used to run the animations are photoportraits of the individual artists, which have been integrated into the yagasuri pattern template in an intriguing way.

poster, graphics, typography, printing: Damian Ziółkowski

motion design, AV and AR: Aleksandra Pobrotyń
infographics, social media: Martyna Werner
scenography: Magdalena Peter-Szymańska
scenography visualisations: Jakub Gutkowski
photo and video documentation: Natalia Tkacz, Filip Ostojski
exhibition setup: Agnieszka Warcaba, w. Anna Poszepczyńska, Kacper Kozłowski,Paulina Galewska
exhibition text: Paulina Galewska
PR, social media: Magdalena Bąk
organisation and coordination: Kamila Zięcina

Multimedia Studio’s staff:
Anna Klimczak
Olga Wroniewicz
Tomasz Miśkiewicz

more video documentations of student’s projects in this vimeo album