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Yagasuri Rules is a semi-collective project for design students. Assignment’s system is drawn from the layout of traditional Japanese pattern called Yagasuri. The project was conceived as an introduction to motion design animation. Students were to understand the principles of animation according to Disney. A template of the first/last frame of the loops, and the credits template was given. The students drew 3 of 12 rules to work with. It was advised to create a consistent triad of short loops. The aim of the animations was to explain a viewer the principles through the usage of multiplied shapes.
Yagasuri Rules is also an element of an ongoing research exploring intellectual + technical potential of patterns. The presentation summing-up its previous stage (Seigaiha Rules) and introducing the current theme (Yagasuri Rules) can be viewed here.
Project’s design and guidance: Olga Wroniewicz
Graphic system and animations also became an integral part of Augmented Reality and mixed-media exhibition Into De-Sign.