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//students’ animations are at this vimeo album

Spheredom is for sphere, dome, freedom, kingdom

Each student was asked to create a short narration – as an infinite zoom type of animation, exploring the subject of outer space journeys and conquer.
Animations were designed and made to be experienced as a fulldome projection mapping. To support the students with knowledge and inspiration, numerous visits at the Copernicus Centre’s planetarium were organised. We were guests at exclusive talks, got specific guidance and runned several projection tests in small and large scale before the final public screening.

The pubic preview of the project was held in a small test dome, at the Multimedia Studio, as a part of New Media Art Department final exhibition, the 30th of june, 2017. Premiere took place at The Heavens of Copernicus planetarium, as a part of the Przemiany Festival 2017.

photo documentation

Project’s art and tech guidance (PAM2 MA course): Olga Wroniewicz
authors of the animations screened in the planetarium’s dome:
Jakub Gutkowski, Martyna Werner, Magdalena Peter-Szymańska, Magdalena Bąk, Anna Poszepczyńska


PJAIT 2017