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End of the 2015/2016 academic year exhibition


End of the 2015/2016 academic year projection

#LizaBillewicz #spheredom #pampj #mutpj #spherical #dome #projectionmapping #Duchamp #rotorelief #pjatk #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA

Spheredom, PAM

1st grade MA, NMA PJAIT students, all going through Principles of Animation, Multimedia course, are finishing their final works now. SPHEREDOM project was designed to encourage the students to look deeper into 3D space illusion – using different methods of visualizing it. Every week we are honing animation and CG skills, often with a nice little result 🙂 Here: a render of the latest excercise by Agnieszka Opalińska. Stay tuned, as final works are going to be exhibited in our studio soon!